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A Very Brave Year

My word for this year is brave.

I've been thinking a lot about 2018, and how I feel about it. I think it was one of the most beautiful years of my life, but also really hard. Not hard in a way that made me want to escape and just get through it, but in a way that was refining and full of gratitude. The hard parts have me really thankful.

I'm realizing I did a lot of brave things this year, but bravery is not what I thought it was.

The beginning of this year held the most uncertainty, but also a lot of hope. My last semester of college was upon me. I had no plans, but hope that God would swoop in and bring direction as He is known to do. But even with hope and belief that God would provide for me, I was the most scared I've ever been in my life. I cried a lot... in church, in the car, in the night as I fell asleep... purely out of the crushing weight of fear.

I was struggling with taking the necessary steps to prepare for the future while also trusting that God would provide while also pressing in close to the relationships around me. Even though I would be graduating soon, I didn't want to pull away from the people I loved so much in order to spare myself of heartbreak. Goodbyes and change are painful, and it would've been easier to back away slowly and put up walls to prepare for inevitable parting.

But here is where I found bravery.


Hello my friends.

It has been a while since my last post, but here I am sitting in the Orlando airport with a delayed flight and an ache to be back in this familiar space. I'll be honest, I don't have much to say today but we'll see where we end up.

I've been pretty busy with miscellaneous trips and working, but I think what I really needed was a break. It's easy for me to get wrapped up in people-pleasing and "entertaining." I forget why I'm writing and who I'm writing to, and sometimes I just need to step away and breathe. Instead of writing for the one, it becomes writing what I think people want to read from me. Which is not always a bad thing in and of itself, but it is when that voice is louder or more important than the Lord's. I've spent the last few weeks trying to get alone with God and really dig in to what He has for me.

Love Is For The People That Don't Text First

I was on Pinterest the other day (as all productive stories start), and I saw one of those inspirational quotes that said something along the lines of "Only invest in people that invest in you" or something like that. 

You know the kind... the ones that say only make time for those that make time for you. Or don't waste your time on people who don't give you a second glance. They are motivational and powerful and really get your blood circulating and spirit of independence rising. 

But reading those types of quotes don't really give me a good sense of peace. 

There's actually this feeling that reminds me of how I'm supposed to live exactly opposite of how the world says I should live. That I serve a Jesus that calls me to a higher standard than this. 

My former campus pastor Ali Buras once had a conversation with us during leaders' lifegroup that I'll never forget. It centered around our struggle to love difficult people and how choosing to really truly love the people in our lives is hard and painful and ugh, why are we even doing this and isn't there an easier way? And I remember her asking what if we were so committed to loving people that we were willing to risk getting hurt? That our hearts would be willing to break carrying the burdens of people we love? Wouldn't it be worth it to connect them to Jesus? Maybe love when it is done well involves some pain because it involves sacrifice. It is the laying down of our pride and comfort zones. I think this is the type of love Jesus was talking about when He said, "Greater love has no man than this: that he lay down his life for his friends." This is the type of love that Jesus is

And I don't think this is the type of love that only chases after people that always reciprocate or show interest in you first. Love is not selfish and can't be reserved only for those that can give something back.

A Day In The Life

Hi friends!

What I'm picking up on is that y'all love the posts about Disney, and I've gotten a lot of questions about what it's like to be a professional intern... so here's a post sharing what my experience has been like so far!

Trust Is Slow And Steady

Okay my friends.

So I made a post on Instagram recently with just a little blurb I felt like God spoke into my life that week. The main thing that had been running through my mind was that God knows my future, and He's not afraid. 

And as soon as I posted it, I felt so instantly that God was like, yo... let's unpack that a little more my friend. Not so urgently that I needed to delete the post, but on the soon-ish side. Usually I make notes in my phone when I get words from God swirling around in my head that I need to write down before I forget; but this time I was driving, so I literally made a voice recording to cringe to while I wrote this post.

But anyways, this phrase, "God knows my future, and He's not afraid" was spoken into my heart during church one Sunday. It's not that I was feeling particularly anxious at the time, but I knew I had been given these words for a reason.

So after I shared a short paragraph on Instagram surrounding this phrase, I knew there was more I needed to talk about here. Like why did that simple phrase make me feel so peaceful and secure? Like of course a perfect, all-knowing God is unafraid of the future... great, how is that supposed to matter to me? Usually just because someone else isn't worried about what might happen to me doesn't make me any less afraid. How and why does this phrase make a difference in my life?

The Most Distracting Place On Earth

Something I have noticed over the last few years is that I have an unfortunate habit of getting really distracted anytime I move to Disney.

Some would say could you blame me and some would say I should be used to it by now; but I'm pretty sure that even if I didn't spend every minute of every day of every week on Disney property, life would still find a way to be a distraction from the things that truly matter.

We always think of consumers as those investing in some sort of material substance, but I would say I'm a consumer of experiences. A collector of moments if you will. I like stuff, but I like moments even better. The ones where I can close my eyes and think about what a sweet and beautiful life this is. For me that looks like the perfect sunset over Magic Kingdom or screaming Disney Mania songs before Fantasmic or my eyeballs filling with tears as the audience gasps in audible awe and wonder of the fireworks show. Obviously, I am easily amazed and dazzled by beautiful things. I'm so guilty of thinking, wow this is what makes life worth living. These moments are collected in my heart every chance I get. There's serious "fear of missing out," and I get caught in the mindset that I have to do it all. And I think that's where I get addicted.

These moments are really beautiful, magical things, but sometimes I find myself chasing them down more than I chase Jesus.

Writing Love Letters

Hi friends.

So you're probably going to hate me for this... honestly, I hate me for this, but I'm centering this post around a reference made in the movie To All The Boys I've Loved Before. I'd just like to point out 1) not to be that annoying person, but I read the books first like five years ago and 2) I love this movie not only for its cinematic quality, but also for the way it made me think and feel.

At the beginning of the film, Lara Jean explains that she writes love letters to all the boys she's ever loved saying, "I write a letter when I have a crush so intense that I don't know what else to do. Rereading the letters reminds me how powerful my emotions can be, how all-consuming."

Y'all as soon as I heard that line, I thought mmm, that is a word... because I do the same thing.

But not love letters to boys. I actually write my letters to God and keep them not in a hatbox, but in a journal that sits on the nightstand by my bed.

There are ten journals in all, going on eleven. They are all shapes and sizes, lined and unlined, different and unique like each passing year. I started journaling in 2011 during my sophomore year of high school and have stayed fairly consistent since then. Growing up, every girl tries to keep a diary of events and inevitably fails because writing about what you had for breakfast is tbh boring. But when I started journaling, it became a way to keep track of my prayers and grew into my favorite way to connect with God. It has become essential in processing and controlling my emotions; and I relate to Lara Jean because I also understand and believe in the power of emotions.

Be Brave And Let Go

I am what some would call a hopeless romantic.

Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday. I'm a sucker for the cheesy rom-coms, as in I will always watch and always cry. I always gravitate to the books with the pretty colorful covers in the Young Adult fiction section, even though I think I'm getting to be a lil old to be reading those. My friend, Reb, and I always listen to Sam Smith together; and recently I had tears in my eyes during one of the songs because it was just so beautiful.

But it's not just fiction that I love. I love stories of love. My first question when I meet couples is how they got together. Who made the first move? How did they know it was love? Jeez, I'm a sucker. And kind of nosy.

I have always been like that. And I think there's a part in all of us that hopes to be swept off our feet into a great love story.

But what if the knight in shining armor doesn't come? Or what if he's not who you thought he was?

Everyone always says that rom-coms create unrealistic expectations for us. I agree, and I disagree. The standard of perfection is a bit much, but it's not wrong to have high standards. We as humans are quite impressionable, so it's actually really important for media to create characters that bring a positive influence to our standards. I like that it's becoming normal for girls to look for their Peter Kavinsky (and yes, that was a plug for To All The Boys I've Loved Before hehe).

But back to the question of what if the prince doesn't come? Or actually, what if he doesn't come back?

The Celebration Of Differences

Hi friends.

Today I'm talking about something pretty personal and close to my heart. Lately I've been growing into something I didn't know I actually felt passionate about or needed to see value in...

And that's diversity.

Racial diversity is a hot topic these days, so I'm not going to claim to know all there is to know. There is no pretending to know how another person of another race feels, so I hope you'll read this knowing this is what I feel and what I know from my own Asian American perspective.

I did not grow up with a lot of diversity.

First of all, I am adopted for those who don't know. For some reason, I assume that everyone automatically knows; but I'll preface this post with that fact. I was raised all my life in a white household. My family is wonderful, and I know God handpicked them for me. We moved to Louisiana when I was in the third grade, and that's when I began to notice that I was different as one of the only Asian American students in the class, arguably the whole school. I noticed because I was constantly asked if I knew Chinese or martial arts. My eye shape and accent (or lack thereof) was mimicked by kids who didn't know better. I didn't even know better.

I noticed as I was expected to automatically be the smartest person in the room because I was Asian. It's flattering until you are in fact not the smartest person in the room and made to feel like there is something wrong with you. There were times when I was referred to as "the Asian," and I felt like I was expected fall into the stereotype of being nerdy, quiet, and meek. This was a nightmare as a typical middle/high schooler just wanting to fit in and be like everyone else.

I still notice when people don't believe my name is really my name or assume that I won't be able to communicate in English very well before even speaking with me.

My story is by no means the worst out there. I know that, and I will never play the game of comparison. But I think the bottom line is that I was made to feel different and that those differences weren't something to be celebrated.

Finding Magic In The Ordinary

Hey friends.

Recently one of my readers asked to read about coming off a "high" of happy things and going back to a regular, more simple routine, and wow I thought that was so relatable. I feel like I'm constantly walking in and out of that season of life. This is especially relevant for anyone who has had a summer full of freedom and adventure, but the return to school and normalcy is right around the corner. So here it goes, all my thoughts and experiences on the ordinary.

I like to compare the feeling to taking the best vacation ever, but dreading the long, boring drive back home. I remember in high school all my friends would go off to church camp for a week in the summer and come back on a high for a little while, but then simmer back down to longing to be away at camp. There's that feeling of wishing a moment could last forever. Life on the beach or in another country just seems so much better than regular life at school or work. 

So imagine being on your favorite vacation for six months straight, and what it would feel like to come back afterwards. That's what my story looks like. My favorite place is Disney World (big surprise), and there is a real life magic that lives there. When I came back from living there on my first Disney College Program, I came down hard. Everything seemed a shade duller than my life in Orlando, and I felt like I had taken two steps backwards. It wasn't even about leaving the physical place, but rather leaving behind a season of adventure. I discovered a wild piece of myself there, and going back home made me feel like I was going back to a less exciting, normal version of myself. I was absolutely miserable because I missed a magic that was always right in front of me, so ingrained into my everyday life. Resentment toward my current circumstances rose inside me, and I unintentionally compared everything to a "better" season of life. 

Three Things You Won't Learn Until You Blog

Hey friends!

I can't believe it's already August. For sixteen years, this month has held new beginnings; but now that I've graduated college, it's simply August. But this month will always be special to me because it marks the anniversary of this blog! I started writing in 2015 at the beginning of my sophomore year of college, and since then I've learned and grown so much. My first post ever was the smash hit "Three Things You Won't Learn At Freshman Orientation," so today I'm sharing three things I've learned along the blogging journey since then. 

God Loves Disney World

I feel closer to God when I go to Disney World.

Hey there, friends. You're probably thinking 1) will this girl ever stop talking about Disney... the answer is sadly no. And 2) that feels like a pretty packed statement.

So let's talk about it.

The other day I went to Animal Kingdom after work just to do some of my favorite things and because I hadn't been to the park since moving. Not that I don't love DAK, but it's just hot and a lot of walking, etc. So I'm walking through the park, watching Cast Members wave to guests and play with bubble wands and sell Mickey bars. I watch characters hug some sweet kiddos and live music performers dance and interact with a crowd. I go see Festival of the Lion King and get weepy (every time); and I go on the safari and think about how I could never drive a truck like these CM's do.

It makes me think of one of my favorite quotes by Walt:
You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world... But it requires people to make the dream a reality.

That quote hangs on the wall in the Casting building where I work. I love it because it's so true! And I love it because Walt saw the value in people.

Career + Heaven Minded

Hi friends!

I realize it's been a while since I've updated the blog, so here's what's been going on lately...

First of all, thank you to everyone who sent me a message after my last post. I felt so loved and taken care of. It was a sweet reminder that I am never alone, even if it can feel like that some days.

Life is finally starting to settle down for me. My lease in BR got taken (PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW); I have a place to live, and I love my job. The professional internships at Disney are so much different than the college program... which I guess I knew, but didn't fully understand until now. PI's really concentrate on teaching you new things. I'm learning so much, and getting to practice exactly what I learned in school makes me wish I would've paid more attention! Just kidding, but not really. If anyone has more questions on a day in the life or my application process, please don't hesitate to reach out! I will never tire of talking about my experiences with the Mouse. 

I'm really feeling like a grown-up these days because I honestly go to bed by 9:30pm every night to wake up at 6am to go to work! I love the routine, but there are still days that are hard; like when I come home to no one or spend an entire day with my only words having been my order in the Chick-Fil-A drive thru. I feel so far from my family, and I cry on group FaceTime dates with my old roommates because I miss them and the way things used to be.

But even so, I know there's so much God wants to teach me here.

Moving Is Hard

Hey friends.

So I've been in Orlando for about a week now, but it feels like I've been here twenty years already. Part of that's because this place is another extension of home to me. I have a handful of people that I know and love, and I've built a lot of memories here. I've become a lot of myself during the time I've spent living here, so it just feels natural to be back. I love that.

But my time here feels long also because it's been hard. I knew moving would be hard, but just the logistics and emotional stress of it all feels like too much sometimes. 

It Matters That You're Here

Hey friends!

If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen that I've gotten to be a part of my very first book launch team for Come Matter Here by Hannah Brencher. This has been an honor and so exciting for me! I'm writing here today to not only encourage you to invest in this girl and her words, but also to share a part of my story and what this book means to me.

The Lights Are So Bright - NYC 2018

Alright, friends, it's the post you've all been waiting for... NEW YORK CITY.

Prepare yourself for the longest blog post ever because I'm not splitting it up and everything's getting dumped here - from Times Square to engagements to Central Park to Broadway. As I mentioned in my previous post, we drove into the city from Kelly's place in NJ on Wednesday morning, stayed the night in her brother's apartment in Hoboken, and spent another day in the city on Thursday. We did practically everything, and I have never walked so much in my LIFE.

Jersey Shore

Hey friends!

Last week I got to check another destination off the travel bucket list... New Jersey and New York City! My friends Kelly and Reb live up in Jersey and about an hour from NYC, and so I had to take a post-graduation trip to visit. PLUS, we were planning our friend Sarah's secret engagement in NYC, which I'll share about in my next post! 

Monday and Tuesday were spent in NJ, where Kelly showed me around her school and the beach. The weather was so beautiful all week, and I was actually cold the first couple of days because I'm a southern wimp. I loved the beaches, because I had never been to the beach when it was "cold;" and it was a nice change from going to the beach and feeling like I'll burn alive because of the heat. 

What Could Have Been

Geaux Garcia Photography

The other day I was driving back to Baton Rouge from Lake Charles, and thinking about what my number one piece of advice is to anyone... and it's that your life will never turn out like you think it will, and that it's okay. 

You can have big, beautiful, good dreams and plans for your life... sometimes they come to fruition and sometimes they don't. Something I have learned is that even if those good things don't come to pass, it doesn't mean the alternative is "bad." Your life may look different than you imagined; but it is okay because it will still be good, and God is still in the midst of it.

But I know that it doesn't always feel okay when your life goes through unexpected change. 

Lately I have been wrestling with a lot of mixed emotions upon graduating and a whirlwind of change. As I was praying and thinking about these things, I felt in my spirit words that I think bring relief to the need to have it all together.

And those words are that it's okay to mourn the what-could-have-been's. 

Spring Seniors, Vol. 5: Alaina G.

Hey friends!

Comin' at ya again with the senior pictures of my new friend Alaina! I had so much fun taking this girl's pictures... the weather was lovely as usual, and it was my first time getting photos with Mike, our live on-campus mascot! Alaina and her mom were super sweet and made our shoot relaxed and fun. 

It's so sweet getting to take photos for people in the same stage of life as I am... I get to capture the excitement of those on the verge of the rest of their lives! 

Congratulations, Alaina! See ya @ the PMAC!

Spring Seniors, Vol. 4: Brooke B.

Wow, friends, I'm so excited to share this session with you because it's of one of my closest and oldest friends, Brooke!

Brooke and I have been besties literally our entire lives... our dads work together; so we lived in Austin together, moved to Lake Charles together, and now both go to LSU. I can't imagine my life without Brooke because she has always been a part of it. 

Brooke is kind and passionate and has the biggest heart. She feels things with her whole being and will never hesitate to pray or offer words of encouragement in a less-than situation. God has used her in my life in so many ways, and it will be weird to graduate and be separated indefinitely for the first time in our lives. It is bittersweet, but I have peace in my heart because I know that a friendship that has been built over literally 22 years will not easily crumble. Our friendship is rare and special, but I know that it is weathered and strong. 

Brooke is going to Southeast Asia this summer to serve Jesus and love on the people there! If you would like to support her trip, please let me know! I'm so excited for all that God has planned for this girl.

Little Thoughts, Vol. 2

Hey friends!

I feel like I've been posting quite a bit lately, but mostly about photoshoots. Which I love sharing my creative work with you, and I appreciate all the encouragement and feedback; but I also just wanted to share some updates on what's going through my head.

Spring Seniors, Vol. 3: Ashley S.

It's always a pleasure and huge honor to take my friends' pictures. Last weekend, I got to work with my friend and former roommate Ashley. 

Ashley and I lived together my sophomore year in an on-campus apartment, right before I moved to Disney. It was the first time we were out of the dorms and taking over our own space. I'll always remember and treasure that sweet season of sophomore year when you feel the confidence of not being a freshman anymore and learning how to grow into more of yourself.

Ashley was a total model for this shoot and never hesitated when I asked her to experiment with awkward poses and fake laughter that turns into the real thing. She's staying a little longer at our favorite university for grad school, and I can't wait to see what's next for her! Congrats girly!

He's In The Waiting

We live in a culture that hates waiting.

We hate long lines at Walmart or waiting more than 15 minutes for a table at Olive Garden. The world falls apart when our Netflix show is buffering. We'll choose the lane with the least amount of cars because we hate sitting in traffic. We come up with games to play or things to read to pass the time, because waiting is almost never very fun. 

And I'm not here to convince you otherwise. I'm not going to come up with a list of reasons why waiting is actually the best thing to ever happen to you or why you are the most blessed individual because you are in a season of waiting (even though those things could be true). 

Maybe you are waiting on a job opening. You polished the resumé, submitted the application, and just want to know your status, whether good or bad because knowing is better than the waiting. 

Maybe you are waiting for your perfect person. You are waiting to love and be loved in return, and not just anyone will do. You've been on the hunt in the relationship department, only to take a bullet yourself one too many times; and here you are deciding to wait for the right one to find you. 

Maybe you are waiting for a sign. You are waiting to hear from God or the universe or whatever it is that is worthy of directing your life about the next part of the plan... where you should move, what your calling is, and how to get there.

Maybe you are just waiting for the pain of the present season to end. The light at the end of the tunnel isn't there, and you feel stuck in the space in between. It's been a rough week, month, year, and you are ready to finally be out of the woods.

Sometimes waiting can feel something like being forgotten. 

Eleven Minutes In Nashville

Hey friends! 

I promised you a Nashville post, and here it is (warning, it's v long)! This was actually my second time visiting (see my first visit here); but this time I went with my current roommates for spring break, and we got to stay a little longer.

I love traveling with my roommates because we're always on the same page on what to do... we love to eat. We love to shop. And we love to take pictures. Honestly, this is how we afford to take trips so often... we just spend money on food and don't do any of the tourist-y things that cost money hehe. 

Trips like these make me realize how blessed I am to have the friendships that I do. These girls make me laugh til my stomach cramps and roast me like no one else can; but at the end of the day, they are always there to speak life and support revolving around our shared love of God. There is no one more generous, more empathetic, more loyal and protective than my friends, and I am really thankful for them. 

Spring Seniors, Vol. 2: Lindsey

Hello my friends! 

I'm back with another senior session of my new friend Lindsey! It was raining and overcast the day of, but thankfully it cleared up enough to get some pretty shots. 

Shout out to everyone who has liked, shared, and supported my posts! Social media has become an essential business tool, and every "share" counts! Because this is just a super minuscule side job for me, I rely solely on my own obnoxious self-promotion and the recommendations of others. So THANK YOU! Thank you for being a supporter of me, my work, and creative arts as a whole. 

This weekend I'll be traveling to Nashville with my roomies for spring break, and I'm looking forward to some time away with my favorite girls. I'm sure we'll take some quality pics, so be on the lookout for a travel post soon! 

Spring Seniors, Vol. 1: Abigail

Hey friends!

We are halfway through spring semester already, which means graduation is literally right around the corner!!! I can't believe I only have a couple of months left at this beautiful school.

In the mean time, I'm busy busy taking senior pictures, and I am loving it. Campus is at its prime in the spring with the stately oaks and broad magnolias just begging to be in front of a lens. Since I don't have many opportunities to sit down and write a normal blog post, I thought I'd keep ya'll updated with a few of the gorgeous seniors I get to take pictures for! 

Here are some of my favorites of the lovely Abigail Wright, whom I met through mutual friends. She was so fun to work with and even brought champagne for us to get some fun shots in front of the stadium. Congrats girly! 

**Shameless plug, I still have a few spots open during spring break/April for anyone looking for a last minute, amateur photographer! Just hit the Contact tab to get more info!

Whole Heart: A Love Without Walls

Your love
It comes with no conditions
You give us Your whole heart
My hope
Is in the blood of Jesus
I know who I am
Because of who You are
- Whole Heart by Passion 

Ya'll, I cannot stop playing this song... It's the opening track to Passion's new album titled Whole Heart, and I'm obsessed. 

Just a quick overview of Passion: it's a conference for young adults, ages 18-24, hosted in Atlanta featuring all the big-name Christian speakers and worship leaders. It's a movement really, of young adults passionate about making Jesus the center of everything. Unfortunately I haven't been able to go the last few years; but I attended my senior year of high school and freshman year of college, and to this day I remember how the teaching and worship experience changed my life. 

Each year the Passion worship band releases an album of the songs played at the conference, and the first few lines of the first track (Whole Heart) have been constantly running through my head lately.

Your love
It comes with no conditions
You give us Your whole heart

Once again, I am reminded of how the love of God is so unlike human love. 

Little Thoughts, Vol. 1

Hey friends.

So I've been wanting to write for a while, but have been struggling with what to write on. If I had the chance, I would sit across from each one of you with a cup of coffee or lunch at Chick-fil-A and just want to hear about your life.

So let's just pretend like that's what we're doing here and catch up on some little thoughts that have been running through my head lately.

We Are Called To Dream

I am that friend that is obsessed with Disney.

Everyone knows it, and I'm not ashamed to say it. As soon as someone even remotely refers to Disney, my senses are on high alert and every head in the room spins to look at me.

Some people love Disney for the characters and the timeless stories of magic and fairytale. Most people would say Disney played an integral part of their childhood memories. Others love this company because of the excellence with which they operate. If you love theme parks and creativity and history and business and world domination, it would be hard not to be a fan of Disney in some way, shape, or form.

I love this company for all these reasons and more, but the thing that I admire the most is their commitment to dreaming.

I love that the tagline for Disney's Parks and Resorts is "Where dreams come true." They have created an atmosphere of magic and fantasy, transforming kids into real life princes and princesses, pirates, and storybook characters. A little girl's biggest dream could be to meet Cinderella; and here there's a place to meet her, see her castle, and even transform into Cinderella herself.

And if Disney can make a kid believe that even their wildest, most fantastic dreams of whimsy can come true, how much easier is it to convince them that their smaller, yet still big real-life dreams can too?

Monday Motivation: For When You Don't Feel Like Wonder Woman

Hey friends.

Something you might not know about me:

I am easily intimidated.

I have dealt with high social anxiety in the past, though it is quieter now. I make a lot of assumptions and can easily be trapped in the lies of comparison. It doesn't take a lot to make me feel small inside.

Recently I felt my levels of anxiety begin to rise, and I realized I was feeling intimidated by my week. It was Sunday night, and as I was looking across the horizon of all that I had to do, I already felt nervous and defeated before even really starting.

I was looking at the mountain of literal things to do like homework assignments and classes. I was looking at the work and effort it would take to get those things done. I was looking at the people in my life that I love the most, and the time and emotion it takes to invest in them. I was looking at my future in all of its uncertainty, knowing the resumes and applications and interviews it would take to get where I want to be.

I was looking at all this mess; and while I told myself "I can't do this," I just immediately felt in my spirit the Lord say, "You will not and cannot be intimidated by tomorrow."

New Year, New City - Nashville


I have had the craziest winter break of them all. From LC, to Oklahoma, to Dallas, to Memphis, to Nashville, to BR, to Nola... I am freaking tired, but with a full and happy heart. 

If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably kept up with all my adventures; but I took some pretty pictures in Nashville and thought I'd share some of the details. 

After spending New Year's Eve in Dallas with Chi Alpha, I drove straight to Memphis to pick up my DCP roommate Kelly; and the next day we drove to Nashville to meet up with DCP roommate Sarah. It was a pretty central location for all of us, and Sarah and I had never visited Nashville before; so we were pretty excited to stay a couple of days.