We live in a culture that hates waiting.
We hate long lines at Walmart or waiting more than 15 minutes for a table at Olive Garden. The world falls apart when our Netflix show is buffering. We'll choose the lane with the least amount of cars because we hate sitting in traffic. We come up with games to play or things to read to pass the time, because waiting is almost never very fun.
And I'm not here to convince you otherwise. I'm not going to come up with a list of reasons why waiting is actually the best thing to ever happen to you or why you are the most blessed individual because you are in a season of waiting (even though those things could be true).
Maybe you are waiting on a job opening. You polished the resumé, submitted the application, and just want to know your status, whether good or bad because knowing is better than the waiting.
Maybe you are waiting for your perfect person. You are waiting to love and be loved in return, and not just anyone will do. You've been on the hunt in the relationship department, only to take a bullet yourself one too many times; and here you are deciding to wait for the right one to find you.
Maybe you are waiting for a sign. You are waiting to hear from God or the universe or whatever it is that is worthy of directing your life about the next part of the plan... where you should move, what your calling is, and how to get there.
Maybe you are just waiting for the pain of the present season to end. The light at the end of the tunnel isn't there, and you feel stuck in the space in between. It's been a rough week, month, year, and you are ready to finally be out of the woods.
Sometimes waiting can feel something like being forgotten.