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Things I Miss

Today was restless for me.

I woke up later than usual, which for me is 9:30am. Anytime I wake up late, it's hard for me to make good use of the day. My brain just decides that the whole day is gone already (which I realize is irrational - it's fine).

I worked out, FaceTimed a friend I haven't talked to since college just to say hi, finished painting a graduation cap, then drove to the post office to drop off a handful of orders.

There are a lot of things I miss on days like this... here's my list for today:

- getting dressed for work
- the Winter Garden Farmer's Market
- going to the movies and getting a large popcorn and coke icee
- happy hour celebrations at Ale House with my work friends
- going to church
- Mr. Kamal's dumplings at Animal Kingdom
- trying to decide if the careers of the live performers at Disney Springs are at their peak or rock bottom
- planning whatever next trip to see my family and friends from home
- golden hour at Hollywood Studios

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