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Ireland, Pt. 1: The Mission

Over spring break, I had the opportunity to go on a mission trip with Chi Alpha to Dublin, Ireland!

I took so many pictures, and we did so much every day that I'll have to split up our adventure into several posts. So grab a cup of coffee for a few minutes and get ready for gorgeous scenery and and some words on what God is doing in Ireland.

A Place At The Table

"You don't have to fight for a place at the table."

Such a simple phrase, but a beautiful reminder that there is no partiality with God.

You know that feeling when someone forgets to invite you somewhere? Or when you're meeting friends at a restaurant and you get to the table, and no one saved you a seat? It's awkward and uncomfortable and makes you wonder in the back of your head why no one thought of you.

I think sometimes it can feel like we have to fight to earn a place or even just stay in someone's life. And because we as humans are flawed, people can leave us broken, hurt, and feeling like we're not enough.

Things I Love: March

Every once in a while, my favorite blogs will post lists of things they're watching/reading/doing, along with their reviews. I don't know why they're my favorite kind of posts, but I always appreciate them for providing real life recommendations from a trusted, respectable source. It keeps me updated on movies or books worth investing in, products that make life easier, etc.

So welcome to my first edition of things I love as of recent.

Summer Adventures


It turns out my time at the Happiest Place On Earth isn't over yet... I'll be returning to Orlando this summer to participate in the Disney College Program: Summer Alumni edition!

And just when you thought my Disney obsession was fading out.