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Goodbye 2017

You didn't think I'd skip out on an end-of-year blog post, did you?

I don’t know about anyone else, but this was one of those years that flew by; and yet I can still remember every messy and beautiful moment.

I remember where I was (literally and figuratively) a year ago, writing a post (linked here) in my favorite coffee shop in the world in Tulsa, Oklahoma, greeting 2017 with hope and anticipation. I had little dreams of writing more and big dreams of becoming a better version of myself. A year ago there was a lot of grief over who I had become, but out of that place came a deeper thankfulness and understanding of the Lord’s grace and mercy.

This past year held so many adventures for me.

This year I traveled to Ireland to serve the Lord and the people there. You can find my posts about it here. That place and that experience holds an extra special place in my heart. 

This year I went back to Disney and had the best summer of my life. I made new friends and reunited with old ones. God taught me so much this summer on what it means to serve and love others well. He taught me to get down in the dirt, get my hands dirty, and do the work… this is what it means to show the love of Christ. 

This year I became a senior in college. At the beginning of the school year, it seemed like I had been stripped of what had been my greatest sources of comfort; but in Christ I found my closest friend. I have been busier than I’ve ever been in my life, but it is good. 

This year I wrote 33 new blog posts, at least one every month. I painted more. I took more pictures. 

For me, this year has held a redemptive quality. Not that God’s grace could ever be earned or His love could ever change by what I have or haven’t done… but this is the year I stopped asking “Are you there, God?” and replaced it with “Where are you, God?” 

The difference is in the presence of faith. There is something special that happens when we hold tight to the faith that the Lord is always with us and every promise we’ve heard about God is true. I think God sees that faith and is faithful to show up for us. This is where we begin to see God in the good, the bad, and the everyday. 

So here’s to a sweet, sweet 2017, and an even sweeter 2018.

This is the year I travel. This semester's travel agenda includes a cruise, Nashville, Atlanta, and who knows where else. 

This is the year where I literally have no idea what I'll be doing in six months. Praying the Lord gives me an answer soon, but if not I know that everything will be okay. 

This is the year I graduate college. Again, many tears will be shed because seasons will change and end; which is beautiful and inevitable, but hard nevertheless.

I will keep writing. 

I will keep in touch. I don’t know what my life will look like after May, but I have learned so much from the extra special people God has placed in my life. Friendship looks different long-distance, but can still be just as fruitful. Something God has taught me is to let go of a season of friendship, but not to let go of the person. Long distance friendships are still rich in purpose. 

And lastly, I will keep showing up. 

I will show up for people. I will be present and available. I will be the person to come home to when the job interview didn't go well, and I will be the person to come home to when the first date was as magical as ever. I will show up and meet people in the messiness where life is not perfect but still good. I will show up with eyes and arms and heart wide open. 

I will show up for me. I will say yes to this life that is mine, no matter how tired or broken I am. I will wake up and stare every doubt, fear, pain, or hurt in the face; and I will go to sleep knowing it is well with my soul. 

I will show up for the Lord. Once you've moved past the stage of questioning whether God is there or not, the natural response must be worship... in every moment. In the mountains and in the valleys. In the quiet moments of everyday. It is a steady partnership; this is the life of a servant of Christ. 

May your new year be happy and bright and everything you hope it will be. 

And even if it's not, I know it will be good, and it will be worth it. He is with you always, my friend.


  1. Wow, I love this. It sounds like 2017 was wonderful, and I'm so happy for you. I pray that 2018 is an even better year, and that God's plan for you is so so clear!!! <3
