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Single And Joyful: The Christmas Edition

I told myself I wasn't going to do it, but here I am.

I'm doing it anyways.

I'm writing another blog post on singleness.

And I'm not apologizing for it or for repeating what I've already written before in previous posts here and here, because I think we all need reminders of these truths now and then, ya know???

I'm writing this from a place of honesty and vulnerability, because I've been feelin' it lately. The loneliness. The self-pity. The doubt. The pressure. The dreaded question of "So, ya got a boyfriend yet?"

I don't know if there will ever be a time in singleness that the Enemy will not try and sneak in during this specific time of the year to try and steal our joy.

This time of year in which the world is magic. Everything is merry and bright and beautiful. The lights. The traditions. The gingerbread houses and Christmas trees. The parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and caroling out in the snow. This time of year in which our hearts seem to feel the most, which brings forth great opportunity to love, but also great heartache. 

Can I be real here? (Rhetorical question, because I'm gonna get real so sit down and buckle up, people)

You see, I think Satan knows the real reason for the season. And he knows that if he can get us looking inward at ourselves and everything we lack in the relationship department, he can steal some of the spotlight from the celebration of our beautiful Savior.

I know what it's like to long for something or someone so much that it hurts. I know it hurts. I know when the ache is subtle and quiet; and I know when it's so real and tangible that your heart physically feels heavy. Some of my deepest prayers and lowest moments have been cries to the Lord from an aching heart. 

And so here is why I'm writing this... I'm writing this for me and for you to tell us together that we can't let darkness have any kind victory this season. 

We've got to embrace Christmas with eyes and hearts and arms wide open, or we'll miss it. 

We'll miss the people who are searching for love and light. We'll miss the opportunities to be love and light. And we'll miss a special season of worship of Love and Light. 

There is true joy and happiness in the love shared between people, but none will ever compare to the joy that is the birth of our Lord and Savior, JC. He is a joy that is real and everlasting. 

I couldn't be more thankful for that... the fact that He is the source. I used to think that I would experience more during the holiday season when someday there would be a significant other by my side... that while Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year, it wasn't the most wonderful time for me yet.

Here is a reminder that you are not less of a person because of a relationship status. Because of Him, you don't have to have less joy than the next person. You are not missing out or missing pieces. You have full access to all the joy of the season because it rests in the One who gives us full access to Himself. 

Let Jesus be your source this year. Let every moment, celebration, blessing, every good thing build upon the joy that is Jesus.

I think it's okay to feel broken and hurting from the longing in your heart. Feel it, but don't stay there. I believe in you. I believe in you to do hard things and push past the feelings and emotions into more of what God has planned for you this season. 

So here is the challenge this Christmas, whether this whole post has applied to you or not... look up and out. Don't give Satan the victory by being your own distraction. In a season centered around Christ, Satan would love if you took your eyes off of Him for even a second just to steal a part of the spotlight.

Jesus is so much bigger and worth so much more than that. The older I get and the more I read and meditate on the Christmas story, the more I walk away in greater awe of my Savior. His story is one that never loses its magnitude, and He deserves our whole hearts.

Merry Christmas, my friends, and I pray your joy may be full this year.

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