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More Compassion, Less Of Everything Else

My heart breaks for the city of Orlando - a place I've come to know as my third home.

Three tragedies have occurred in less than a week; the shooting of singer Christina Grimmie, the Pulse shooting with at least 50 lost lives, and most recently, a two year old boy dragged into the water by an alligator and is yet to be found. The loss of life here is great, and it's taken a toll on everyone.

It's been a bittersweet comfort to see the incredible responses of love and support shown by the people here and across the nation. Blood drives are receiving donations past their capacity. Candlelight vigils will be happening soon. Social media is covered in hashtags and pictures featuring #OrlandoStrong and #PrayForOrlando. Theme park characters and staff have taken photos making the heart sign with their hands to share their love and support.

The circumstances of this outpouring of unity are indeed unfortunate. But what I find most unfortunate is that with every post and prayer of support, I find an argument on gun control... a religious debate... a critical lesson on parenting.

Sure, these are important issues that should be discussed reasonably; but think about the purpose of sharing your thoughts on whatever matter it is. Is it just to share your own opinion with everyone else whose minds probably won't be changed over your Facebook status?

Is it to prove that you understand good parenting so that that situation would never happen to you or your child?

Is your opinion really so great that it needs to take the focus off of the most important thing, which is loving and supporting and praying for those whose world is now shattered?

Families and friends of the victims are experiencing incredible heartbreak right now... there's no need to turn their loss into a political debate. Forget trying to figure out who to blame. They don't need your judgment or personal opinions.

Regardless of whatever you believe regarding homosexuals, this was a loss of precious human life. People knew and loved these people, and that's who they were - people. Humans. Look past their sexuality and remember that someone (a brother, sister, mom, or dad) loved them and have now lost them. They deserve our compassion.

Don't you think the mother and father of the two year old boy are suffering enough without questions of "Where was mom??" and speculations of whether or not they were following swimming rules? Regardless of what happened, they have lost a child to an extremely unfortunate circumstance; and my heart bears nothing but compassion.

These events do bring up important issues that should and will be discussed in the near future. But I want to encourage your debates to take place anywhere but social media. We are entitled to our own opinions and we are entitled to sharing them. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to agree, which inevitably creates feelings of frustration and hatefulness; something that shouldn't be fostered at this time. That's not what the people of Orlando need right now.

They need to feel loved and supported. They need to know the nation is hurting with them and that they are not alone in their suffering. They need a shoulder to cry on and hands to hold as they walk through life without their loved ones. They need our prayers - that the Lord would be near to the brokenhearted, and that healing and comfort be provided by friends, family, coworkers, and health care services.

They need our compassion.

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